OUTPOST DAYS is celebrating 56 years! We are currently planning this year’s event and we hope we can count on your support. Outpost Days is “thee” event that showcases western art and lost art. Join us June 7-8th, for all kinds of Western family fun. We strive to bring the best of the west for the young and the old. The event is geared for hands on learning of the western arts.

We will have gold panning, blacksmithing, Lewis & Clark encampment, fur traders, flint nappers and the world-famous Horny Toad races.

All this starts on Saturday at 8am for a Buckaroo breakfast followed by live entertainment and at Noon the cattle drive led by local 4H kids that will drive cattle right into downtown Murphy! The Snake River Stampede Stagecoach will be on display, both days.

This year we will be cutting the ribbon on the new Owyhee Nugget Print Shop and demonstrating the printing machines.

This is the biggest fundraiser for the Owyhee County Historical Museum and it only happens once a year! The museum will be fully open with free admission into the Murphy School House, AG Annex Building, Marsing Depot and Stamp Mill.

Come spend the day with the family and enjoy the old west the right way here at the Owyhee County Museum.


**This page is still being updated as we continue to plan for this event. ***


The Biggest Event of the Year!

Exciting things happening all day:

  • Illustrations of Pioneer Life
  • Drone Show
  • Buckaroo Breakfast
  • Interactive Experiences with Lost Arts
  • Craft & Food Vendors
  • Music & Entertainment
  • Pony Rides
  • Lewis & Clark encampment
  • Hit N Miss Engines
  • Hay Ride
  • Raffles
  • Homemade Pie
  • Cattle Drive
  • Special Entertainment – from the Jr. Jammers and Fiddle Express!
  • And Much, Much More!!

Chuck Wagon Beef Dinner, Adults $20 & Kids: $10, call the museum for tickets! Pancake Breakfast, Adults $10 & Kids: $5

Purchase you food tickets here!

Are you a Vendor?

Do you arts and crafts, food, unique gifts?

Be a Vendor at our event!

Vendor Form

SOLD! To the highest bidder!

Each year we host an online auction where you can find all kinds of great items. Do you have items you want to donate to the museums Auction? Bring them down to the museum now and we will get them online.

Online Auction

Buckaroo Breakfast & Chuckwagon Dinner Feed!

       At Outpost Days you will experience the wild west with all its lost arts.    Saturday at noon the 4H kids will drive cattle over a mile into town and Sunday the world championship Horny Toad Races take place. All this and more and its all Free to the public!

Sponsorship Opportunities  

Support the Museum & its efforts in growing!

We are seeking SPONSORS! Have your logo and name promoted all over the event! What better way to get your company name to the public but at the best western event in the valley! Your support not only helps us defray costs of this event but helps the museum continue to preserve Owyhee County history. The Museum is growing by leaps and bounds and it’s because of support like yours that makes it possible.

For more info:

[email protected] or call 208-495-2319.

Forms are also found below.

Sponsor Form